Interlaken Honors its Veterans
Just outside the main entrance to the Borough Hall, a bronze plaque is mounted on the wall, which lists the names of those who served during World II while residing in Interlaken. Included, and especially noted, are the names of LT. ERNEST R. ACKERMAN and LT. MORGAN J. O’BRIEN, who both died during 1943 while serving in the Army Air Force.
Twenty-five years later, in 1968, Army COL. EDWARD BARRY VOGEL, who also called Interlaken ‘home’, made the supreme sacrifice in South Vietnam.
Thanks to the interest and generosity of a resident, special plaque are also displayed in the library area of the Borough Hall, which memorialize the sacrifices of our three lost sons.
Each year Interlaken offers special recognition to its residents who have served in the military services of our country. Annually, on Veterans Day (November 11), a simple ceremony is held during which those current residents who are veterans are given special recognition. They are each named individually and their former service affiliation announced. At the culmination of the ceremony, a memorial wreath is placed at the base of the Borough flagpole in memory of our neighbors who served and who have left us, especially the three known to have given all they had to give.
Jim Mitchell
Twenty-five years later, in 1968, Army COL. EDWARD BARRY VOGEL, who also called Interlaken ‘home’, made the supreme sacrifice in South Vietnam.
Thanks to the interest and generosity of a resident, special plaque are also displayed in the library area of the Borough Hall, which memorialize the sacrifices of our three lost sons.
Each year Interlaken offers special recognition to its residents who have served in the military services of our country. Annually, on Veterans Day (November 11), a simple ceremony is held during which those current residents who are veterans are given special recognition. They are each named individually and their former service affiliation announced. At the culmination of the ceremony, a memorial wreath is placed at the base of the Borough flagpole in memory of our neighbors who served and who have left us, especially the three known to have given all they had to give.
Jim Mitchell