Police DepartmentFor emergencies call the Police Dept at (732)-531-3688 or call 9-1-1.
Stay tuned to your local Radio Stations for evacuation and emergency information. Letter From The Chief
On behalf of the men and women of the Deal Police Department I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, the agency, and the many programs and services we offer the residents of the Borough of Interlaken. The Officers and Communications Personnel of the Deal Police Department are excited for the opportunity to provide police services to the Interlaken Community and are honored to have been chosen by your elected officials. The mission of the Deal Police Department is to protect and serve the community’s quest for a peaceful and safe existence, to build partnerships with our community, to prevent crime and to enhance the quality of life throughout our community. We extend our mission statement to include the Borough of Interlaken so we may begin building those partnerships with its residents. Our success in preventing crime and prompt apprehension of criminals is directly related to citizen interest and participation. Expanding and improving that relationship is a foundational goal for our police department. Open communication is vital to our continued success and we welcome the input of everyone to address your needs and concerns. While crime rates may be higher in larger cities or communities, it is the partnership Interlaken has with its Police Department that prevents and solves crime. Along with proactive modern policing practices and highly visible patrols by our professional officers, we will continue to work diligently to provide the best in police services to Interlaken. Please click here to review the services and information and become more familiar with your new Police Department. Again I would like to thank you for this opportunity and we look forward to serving you iny the years to come. Sincerely, Stephen R. Carasia Chief of Police |
Links for Adults
Home Protection Tips |
Fire Department
318 Hume Street
Allenhurst, NJ 07711
PHONE: 732-531-7239
Please click here to visit the official website of the Allenhurst Fire Department
318 Hume Street
Allenhurst, NJ 07711
PHONE: 732-531-7239
Please click here to visit the official website of the Allenhurst Fire Department
First Aid Department
318 Hume Street Allenhurst, NJ 07711 PHONE: 732-531-7239 EMERGENCIES DIAL 911 Please click here to visit the official website of the Allenhurst First Aid Squad. |
Monmouth County Board of Health
Public health services for the Borough of Interlaken are provided by the Monmouth County Regional Health Commission. For services provides, as well as important health information, use the link below: www.mcrhc.org/ |